Let me ask you this: would you rather pay for "service hours" or for achieving a specific goal? If you are an employer, would you rather pay for an employee's output and effectiveness or for the time they are sitting in a chair in your office?
I'm going to wager that most people would rather pay for results and effectiveness instead of time. So, why is the subject of remote work still so controversial?
Could it be because many business are unsure of how to focus on the end result they produce - and how to measure it in a meaningful way?
Think of it like this - do you buy a drill because you like having tools in your garage, or because you need a hole? Too many businesses focus on the drill, when what they should be selling is the hole.
Our long-time Clients know that at Diaz & Cooper, we focus on meaningful results. What some may not know is that we are so committed to this approach that we became the first advertising agency in the US to become certified as a ROWE (Results-Only Work Environment) back in 2012.